mysql> select Name from STUDENT where Major='CS';
| Name |
| Smith |
| Brown |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select Course_name from COURSE,SECTION where COURSE.Course_number=SECTION.Course_number and Instructor='King' and Year between '07' and '08';
| Course_name |
| Discrete Mathematics |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)
3.對每一學期由king教授所開得課程擷取其課程編號, 學期(semester), 學年及修課的學生人數
mysql> select Course_number,Semester,Year,count(Student_number) as count from SECTION,GRADE_REPORT where SECTION.Section_identifier=GRADE_REPORT.Section_identifier and Instructor='King';
| Course_number | Semester | Year | count |
| MATH2410 | Fall | 07 | 1 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)